
Technical committee homepage

Welcome to the Technical Committee Workspace!

This web interface was established to foster exchanges between members of the Technical Committee.

  • Use the dropdown menu on the left to select the Technical Committee perspective. Thus, any page created from this perspective will only be visible to members of the Technical Committee.

  • To access the HTAGlossary , use the dropdown menu on the left to select the Default perspective.

The HTA Glossary is a wiki-based website that offers multiple functionalities, and as a common good, the glossary is available under a Creative Commons license. Therefore, it is important to ensure the quality of the platform as well as its efficiency. As a joint effort between the different Editorial Boards and the International Steering Committee, a Technical Committee has been formed in order to maintain the high quality standards that have been in place since the creation of the website. Technical Committee terms of reference

Composition of Technical Committee

If you experience difficulties, please contact: